26 April 2017

Australian AWD Program Advances

26 April 2017

HMAS Brisbane 41 (photo : Aus DoD)

Destroyer milestones mount

The project to supply new destroyers for the Royal Australian Navy continues in earnest with the delivery of the Hobart Class Command Team Trainer and the Aegis block of the future HMAS Sydney now in position.

The Trainer simulates the operations rooms of a destroyer and is a significant improvement on existing command team trainers already in service.

Consisting of mock-ups of a number ship systems, including the Aegis weapon system operator displays control panels and interfaces, the training environment delivery process involved the completion of formal acceptance tests, running over a four-week period and involving the execution of 24 separate test procedures. 

Then followed verification and audit against the original design specifications.

HMAS Hobart 39 (photo : Aus DoD)

Mr Brad Flemming is the Combat System Shore Systems and Services IPT Program Manager and said he was proud of the efforts of his small group of experts.

“Their dedication and hard work has produced a system with the quality and complexity you would expect of a much larger team,” he said.

Concurrently 'Block 709' dubbed 'the heart of the Aegis system' for Sydney was consolidated on 15 March.

Weighing 202 tonnes, it was lifted onto the top of the hull using a crane, where it was joined to blocks 703 and 705, in a process that took only 30 minutes.

The third Destroyer’s team continues to implement the lessons learnt from the previous ships, which has enabled enhanced outfitting of blocks from day one.

Prior to consolidation the aft diesel generator exhaust stack was capped, full paint system application internally and externally, the combat system was prepared and most importantly, the full-fitting of all four Array foundations and lining.

HMAS Sydney 42 (photo : Aus DoD)

To achieve the fitting of the Array foundations, the team had to work closely with the Accuracy Control Team to achieve foundation flatness of 0.02 millimetres.

NUSHIP Sydney Manager Jason Loveday commented on the importance of the block and its link to the progress of the project.

“The completion of Block 709 signifies a large achievement for the whole team involved," he said.

“Construction on the Block began over two years ago and through lessons learned from the first two ships, we have achieved a 30 per cent improvement in production hours from Ship 02 to Ship 03.

“Over 100, 000 person hours have been spent over the past three years on intensive production planning and hard work, and every member involved should all be very proud of what they have achieved.”

Ship 03 block consolidation continued with blocks 717 and 713 in April, and will be followed by the mast lift expected in early May.


13 komentar:

  1. Armada Kapal perang ausi Destroyer aegis siap tempur menuju laut arafura sea dan lebih menakutkan di laut china selatan kekuatan china sudah siap hajar siapapun berani mengusik kawasan laut china selatan .bagaimana dengan indonesia negara besar di kawasan asia tenggara masih asik adu strategi di pilkada jakarta pusat lupa sejarah nusantara di kepung negara agresor .

    1. Laut "arafura sea" sebelah mana ya...dicari dipeta kok ga ketemu?

    2. Biasa yangkulll gak bakal tahu arafura sea haha . . .arafura sea BASIN COUNTRIES australia indonesia papua new guinea

    3. Arafura sea. Knp pula perlu ada knflik d perairan ini bro muarif? Tolong beri penjelasan.

    4. Oyaya...laut arafura sea tu yang deket samudra indian ocean tu ya bang muarip?

    5. Smilinghari@ tull...australia angkatan lautnya di bangun secara masif tujuan sudah jellas pulau kaya papua bertabur jutaan ton emas .kita sudah kalah perang proxi war ahirnya tim tim lepas migas di celah timur jatuh ke ausi .di darwin sudah ada 2500 personel us msrinir untuk apa itu ??? ..ke dua ada pelanggaran zona economi ekslusif di pulau natuna perang di dua kawasan kaya akan sumber alam pelan dan pasti bakal meletus di kemudian hari .

    6. Muarif@ ente mabuk kecubung ea..mbok ea baca2 lah jangan kayak kura2 dalem tempurung..
      Kok pede amat,emang marinir di darwin itu buat ngehajar indonesia..
      Wajar aja negara lain bangun kekuatan buat pertahanan,mereka punya duit

    7. Papua new guinea merupakan sebuah negara berdaulat. Mereka ada hak utk memberi konsesi kpd mana2 negara sekalipun. Australia merupakan sebuah negara yg sgt besar dan kaya. Mereka memang terkenal dgn agkatan laut yg baik sejak dari perang dunia ke2 lg. Tiada sebab utk mereka merebut wilayah indonesia. Stop being so paranoid bro muarif.

    8. Shed anuar @ anda ini siapa ?? ...di kira bangsaku bloon tah ...tidak semua nya indonesia bisa di suap sogok ...masih banyak rakyat indonesia ratusan juta cinta tanah air siap jadi martil bella negara ...indonesia itu terlalu besar... sulit di kalahkan negara agresor ... Jangan pernah bermimpi ke jadian di tim tim bisa terulang kembali .

    9. Apa kaitannya jwpan anda ini dgn pertanyaan saya?? Who says anything about corruption @ sogok? If memory serve me right it was u who keeps saying that any military acquisition not involving the russian is corruption @ sogok @ antek barat.

      What do u mean by tim tim? East timur is it bro? Anda mahu besdiskusi mengenai isu itu dari sudut apa? Sejarah, etnik ataupun ketenteraan?

    10. Bukan rakyat indonesia sahaja yg cintakan tanah air bro.. But theres a fine line between nationalistic and paranoia bro.

  2. kapal ganteng, cocok buat ikutan pilkada jakarta pusatnya om antiembalgo haha!
